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Terms and Conditions:
These services are non-medical in nature. It is the client's responsibility to consult their regular health care provider for medical needs or concerns.

These services do not replace medical treatment. See your regular health care provider for treatment of old, new, or existing medical condition.

All healing is self-healing. Amanda is a facilitator and guide for your experience and will help you identify your needs and set goals. Amanda is not an advisor. All decisions made after working together is the client's responsibility. This work is intended to empower you to come to your own conclusions about life goals, aspirations, and needs. 

Hypnosis is a state of relaxation where you will still be able to speak, talk, and move around. You will be aware of everything that occurs during the session. It will almost feel like a dream state or how you would feel during a guided meditation.

You will receive a recording of your session. Please be aware that technology at times does fail. No refunds or discounts will be given for a failed recording.

You must cancel your session 24hrs prior to us meeting in order to receive a full refund. Failure to properly cancel with notice will result in no refund. 


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